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Ace: The Paws That Completed My World

Kyra Fernandes

18 Sept 2024

Ace brought joy, companionship, and unconditional love, completing my life in unexpected ways.

Kyra Fernandes with Ace
Kyra Fernandes with Ace

Growing up, I often listened to my parents' heartfelt stories about their beloved dogs, tales of joy and companionship that always ended with how each dog had completed their family. Deep down, I realized there was something missing in my own life, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. That all changed on November 19, 2017—a date forever etched in my heart. It was on that day Ace, a fluffy little Pomeranian, bounded into my life unexpectedly. We hadn’t planned on bringing a dog home, but the moment I laid eyes on him, I was smitten. As an only child, loneliness sometimes crept in, but Ace instantly became my shadow, my confidant, and my best friend. It was through him that I truly grasped the meaning of the saying, "Dogs share their owners' souls."

I’ve never doubted for a moment that bringing Ace home was the best decision I ever made. Our bond was solidified further by our shared love for the rain. Every time the skies open up, we rush out into the garden without a second thought, getting drenched and muddy with pure joy. My parents, of course, were less amused, especially when Ace would leave muddy paw prints trailing through the house. But in many ways, Ace became the second child they never expected, equally adored and occasionally scolded.

Ace , The Pomeranian - With My family
Ace, The Pomeranian - With My family

Mornings wouldn’t be complete without Ace by my side. Over the years, he’s mastered his own routine: waking my dad at 4 a.m. for an early morning bathroom break, only to sneak into my room afterwards. Despite the door being closed, Ace somehow always manages to nudge his way in, curling up beside me before I even realize it. Seven years on, this little ritual has become second nature to him—and to me. My once peaceful room has now been taken over by his toys and blankets, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. There’s something incredibly comforting about waking up on a school morning to find him nestled beside me.

In Ace, I found a companion who embodies loyalty, joy, and, most of all, unconditional love. He’s not just a pet—he’s the heart of my world.

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